音乐界的少年奇才Feng E在10岁时因一段尤克里里表演视频爆红全球。该视频让他两次登上《艾伦秀》(The Ellen DeGeneres Show),并参加了《亚洲达人秀》和《美国达人秀》。
自那以来,Feng E成为尤克里里音乐界的明星,在新加坡、马来西亚、日本、中国和夏威夷等地的比赛中表演并获奖。他最近在美国西海岸的历史性巡演中,以精湛的表演征服了数千名观众,包括在享有盛名的洛杉矶国际尤克里里节(Los Angeles International Ukulele Festival)上的演出,以及多次电视和广播的亮相。
截至目前,Feng E的YouTube订阅人数已接近一百万,并且还在不断增长。他计划于2025年重返美国,进行更大规模的巡演。Feng E由国际乐器公司Enya Music赞助。
Teenage Taiwanese music sensation Feng E came to worldwide attention when a video of his ukulele performance at age ten went viral. That video led to his two appearances on the Ellen De Generes show, as well as both Asia and America’s Got Talent shows.
Since then, Feng E has become a star in the world of ukulele music, performing and winning competitions around the world, in places like Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, China, and Hawaii. His
recent historic tour of the USA west coast saw him wowing thousands at the prestigious Los Angele International Ukulele Festival, as well as numerous television and radio appearances.
To date, Feng E has nearly a million You Tube subscribers, and growing daily. He will be returning to the US in 2025 for a larger tour. Feng E is sponsored by International music instrument company Enya Music.