日本指弹音乐人,出生于1984年。okapi 擅长运用右手的特殊演奏技巧,通过敲击琴体和扫弦,在弹出旋律的同时也演绎了乐曲的节奏,贝斯部分以及和声。他的吉他就像他内心情感的放大器,所表述出的乐曲,时而节烈,时而又温暖人心。尤其是在他初期制作的单曲《anger》,在演奏能力和作曲能力上,都得到了高度的评价。在国际视频网站 Youtube 上,这首曲子的点击次数突破了 120 万次。虽然常居日本但他时尚流行的音乐风格获得了中日韩等年轻人的喜爱因此他也活跃于中国、韩国、马来西亚等地。他常年在日本举办吉他演出和教学活动。2016 年他前往波兰举办了他的首次欧洲巡回演出。2017年参加指弹中国WAGF艺术节巡演活动,并和指弹中国建立合作关系,作为星臣吉他艺术家,展开一系列的推广活动。

Japanese fingerstyle guitarist Okapi, born in 1984, is renowned for his exceptional right-hand techniques. By combining body percussion, strumming, and plucking, he masterfully integrates melody, rhythm, bass, and harmony into his performances. His guitar serves as an amplifier of his emotions, expressing music that alternates between intense passion and heartwarming tenderness. Notably, his early single Anger received widespread acclaim for both its technical execution and compositional brilliance, amassing over 1.2 million views on the international video platform YouTube.

Although based in Japan, Okapi’s stylish and contemporary musical style has won the hearts of young audiences in China, Japan, and South Korea, leading to active performances in China, South Korea, Malaysia, and beyond. He regularly hosts guitar performances and teaching events in Japan. In 2016, he embarked on his first European tour in Poland. In 2017, he participated in the Fingerstyle China WAGF Art Festival tour, establishing a partnership with Fingerstyle China. As an artist for Starmaker Guitars, he engaged in a series of promotional activities, further solidifying his international presence.