指弹中国 FingerstyleChina
2006 年 12 月 22 日,指弹中国创始人李伟峰(Weifeng Lee)在上海成立指弹中国网站,开始在中国推广指弹吉他文化,在那个bbs论坛年代,指弹中国论坛有超过 50 万注册会员。当时在中国互联网关于指弹吉他的相关内容及资料十分匮乏,指弹中国论坛就是中国指弹爱好者 的学习交流站。
On December 22, 2006, Fingerstyle China was founded in Shanghai by Weifeng Lee. The website was created to promote fingerstyle guitar culture in China. During the era of BBS forums, the Fingerstyle China forum attracted over 500,000 registered members, becoming a key learning and exchange hub for Chinese fingerstyle enthusiasts, as information on this genre was scarce on Chinese internet platforms at the time.

2007年,李伟峰到北京进行原声吉他文化推广并开设乐器实体店及网店,其中指弹中国在阿里巴巴淘宝平台的店铺已有 17 年历史,是行业内知名网店。同时指弹中国在 Wechat 平台、抖音平台也都有网上店铺,销售的产品有吉他、吉他配件、图书音像及吉他周边文化产品等等。
In 2007, Weifeng Lee moved to Beijing to further promote acoustic guitar culture, opening a store and an online shop. Fingerstyle China’s store on Alibaba’s Taobao platform has been operational for 17 years and is recognized as a leading store in the industry. Additionally, Fingerstyle China operates stores on WeChat and Douyin (China’s TikTok) platforms, selling guitars, accessories, books, media, and other related products.
2012 年,指弹中国在北京成立了首家线下店,主要经营高端木吉他和文化产品及吉他维修业务,另外我们开设了指弹中国联盟店,目前广西,河南,福建,河北,湖南都有加盟店,相信未来全国会有更多音乐爱好者加入我们指弹中国大家庭。
In 2012, Fingerstyle China opened its first offline store in Beijing, focusing on high-end acoustic guitars, cultural products, and repair services. The company has also established affiliate stores in Guangxi, Henan, Fujian, Hebei, and Hunan, with plans to expand nationwide, inviting more music lovers to join the Fingerstyle China family.
从 2010 年开始,指弹中国开始邀请、组织国内外指弹演奏家在中国举行指弹音乐会演出。至今在国内外举办近千场原声吉他音乐会,同时举办指弹夏令营(2017 年更名为“鲸啄原声吉他艺术节”)、WAGF 指弹大赛、亚洲原声吉他论坛等活动,保持与国内外一流音乐家开展合作交流,并将中国的优秀指弹演奏家推荐到国际舞台,其中 WAGF 指弹大赛已经成为中国最有影响力的原声吉他比赛。
Since 2010, Fingerstyle China has organized performances and invited both domestic and international fingerstyle guitarists to China. To date, it has hosted nearly 1,000 acoustic guitar concerts domestically and internationally. The company has also organized the Fingerstyle Summer Camp (renamed the ‘Whalewoodpecker Acoustic Guitar Festival’ in 2017), the WAGF Fingerstyle guitar Competition, and the Asian Acoustic Guitar Forum. These events foster collaboration with world-class musicians while promoting talented Chinese fingerstyle artists on international stages. The WAGF Fingerstyle Competition has become the most influential acoustic guitar competition in China.

WAGF 指弹大赛今年已经 8 岁了
(2017 年-2024 年), 初赛通常有 400-500 人参加
(4-6 个组别), 经过老师网上评选后,决赛在北京举办,大约 150 人参加。其中邀请国外评委 6-8 人,国内评委 6-8 人。
– The WAGF competition, now in its 8th year (2017–2024), typically draws 400-500 participants in its preliminary rounds across 4-6 categories. After online evaluations by judges, 150 participants compete in the finals held in Beijing. The jury includes 6-8 international and 6-8 domestic judges.

另外从 2024 年开始我们重启夏令营计划(4-5 天的课程)
亚洲:冈崎伦典,南泽大介,田中彬博,伍伍惠,松井祐贵,井草圣二,okapi, Gin,中川砂人,Kenta Yago,小松原俊,武士桑,Josephine Alexandra 等。
欧美:Tommy 、Martin Taylor、Pierre Bensusan、Marcin 、Luca、Mike Dawes、Michael Fix、Alex Misko 、Richard Smith、 Trace Bundy、Andy Mckee、 Don Ross、Antonie Dufor 、JON Gomm、Petteri Sariola 、Sonke Meinen, Daniel Padim,Lucas Brar、Calum Graham、Preston Reed、Thomas Leeb、Karlijn Langendijk、Ewan Dobson 等等.
Starting in 2024, Fingerstyle China relaunched its summer camp program, featuring 4-5 days of intensive courses.
Artists Collaborated With (2010–2024)
– Asia: Rynten Okazaki, Daisuke Minamizawa, Akihiro Tanaka, Wooh Wooh Hoe, Yuki Matsui, Seiji Igusa, Okapi, Gin, Sunato Nakagawa, Kenta Yago, Toshihiro Komatsubara, Samurai Guitarist, Josephine Alexandra, and others.
– Europe and the Americas: Tommy Emmanuel, Martin Taylor, Pierre Bensusan, Marcin, Luca Stricagnoli, Mike Dawes, Michael Fix, Alex Misko, Richard Smith, Trace Bundy, Andy McKee, Don Ross, Antoine Dufour, Jon Gomm, Petteri Sariola, Sönke Meinen, Daniel Padim, Lucas Brar, Calum Graham, Preston Reed, Thomas Leeb, Karlijn Langendijk, Ewan Dobson, and more.

二、在中国有三个受众最广,最受欢迎的交流互动,短视频平台 We chat 、抖音(国外 tiktok)、bilibili。我们一直非常重视在这几个平台的发展。这些平台是我们传播吉他文化和吉他爱好者交流互动的重要渠道。
在 Wechat 平台,我们发展了 10 年目前粉丝达到了 19 万,这在木吉他领域,粉丝关注量在中国是第一,我们持续输出关于国内外指弹吉他的产品,文化,演出,比赛等内容。
在抖音平台,指弹中国创始人李伟峰个人账号粉丝量有 3.6 万人,这个平台主要是创始人自己给大家分享国内外指弹文化,吉他乐展,手工吉他的相关内容。
指弹中国官方账号在 bilibili 网站站也拥有10.5万的粉丝,在指弹吉他传媒的专业领域排名靠前。
Social Media Presence
Fingerstyle China focuses on WeChat, Douyin (TikTok), and Bilibili, which are the most popular platforms in China for interaction and short videos. These platforms are vital channels for spreading guitar culture and facilitating interaction among enthusiasts.
– WeChat: Over the past 10 years, Fingerstyle China has grown its WeChat account to 190,000 followers, making it the most followed platform in the acoustic guitar field in China. The account provides continuous updates on products, culture, performances, and competitions.
– Douyin: Founder Weifeng Lee’s personal Douyin account has 36,000 followers, where he shares content on fingerstyle culture, guitar exhibitions, and handmade guitars.
– Bilibili: Fingerstyle China’s official Bilibili account has 105,000 followers, ranking highly in the professional fingerstyle guitar media space.
指弹中国在过去近 20 年的时间里。没有并没有沉迷于销售,而是把赚到的钱持续投入到指弹吉他艺人专辑出版发行,及各种演出活动上面。这是一种使命感,想要发展,促进,增加国际交流,把好的吉他文化带到中国,再把中国好的文化告诉世界,我相信这也是全球喜欢吉他的同仁们共同的使命。
Mission and Vision
China has a large population of children learning guitar, numerous guitar manufacturers, and many institutions and teachers fostering guitar education. However, most companies prioritize the commercial aspects of the industry. Few focus on concerts, competitions, or the sustained promotion of guitar culture.
Over the past 20 years, Fingerstyle China has resisted the temptation of pursuing quick profits through sales, instead reinvesting earnings into publishing albums by fingerstyle artists and organizing performances. The founder sees a mission in fostering international exchange, introducing excellent guitar culture to China, and showcasing China’s own guitar culture to the world. This aligns with the shared goals of guitar enthusiasts worldwide.
一个成功的艺人,现在要依靠网络传达自己的作品,从而获得更多人的关注,这样才可以转化成为线下音乐会和周边产品的购买群体, 所以不管在哪个国家,这是非常重要的。而这个工作,可能由于艺人的个人时间、精力、语言文化等障碍,无法独立完成运营。而我们已经成功的帮助LUCA Stricagnoli(Bilibili有18w+粉丝), MARCIN (70w+粉丝, 预计今年达100万粉丝), ALEX MISKO, MIKE DAWES等人在中国建立了B站账号,他们的日常发布,我们都会同步更新. 并定期与粉丝互动交流。
Supporting Artists on Social Media
In today’s world, a successful artist must leverage online platforms to share their work and attract attention, which can be converted into ticket and merchandise sales. However, artists often struggle to manage this themselves due to time, energy, or cultural and language barriers.
Fingerstyle China has successfully helped artists like Luca Stricagnoli (180,000 followers), Marcin (700,000 followers, projected to reach 1 million this year), Alex Misko, and Mike Dawes establish accounts on platforms like Bilibili. Fingerstyle China handles their regular updates and engages with fans to build their presence in China.