Josephine Alexandra出生于2001年5月2日,是印度尼西亚雅加达市的一位多才多艺的音乐家、作曲家和内容创作者。从四岁开始踏上音乐之旅,她迅速掌握了钢琴,并在稍后涉足吉他和鼓的领域。在八岁时赢得无数比赛,她的才华早早显现。在十一岁时,Josephine发现了指弹吉他,开始自学,开创了自己在数字领域的道路她的YouTube频道拥有200万订阅者,Instagram和TikTok账号分别获得50万和100万粉丝,展示了她引人入胜的音乐翻奏,


作为一位音乐家和不可否认的魅力女性,Josephine凭借其在音乐领域崭露头角,赢得了雅马哈音乐、泰勒吉他、G7 Capo和D’Addario Strings等著名品牌的认可,进一步证明了她在音乐领域的崛起地位。

除了音乐成就,Josephine从兴趣和爱好中找到灵感,比如玩视频游戏和看电影。这些激情转化为她的艺术,激发她在YouTube上创作与这些媒体相关的音乐翻奏。值得注意的是,她对《荒野大镖客2》和《最后的我们》的翻奏引起了这两个游戏的创作者RoC-kstar Games和HBO的注意,进一步巩固了她作为备受追捧的艺术家的地位。她的YouTube频道拥有超过2亿次观看,而“Attention”和“Alone”等个别翻奏分别获得了2500万和2100万次观看,Josephine Alexandra的音乐之旅是她非凡才华和坚定奉献精神的明证。

Josephine Alexandra, born on May 2, 2001, is an outstanding musician, composer, and content creator from Jakarta, Indonesia. She began her musical journey at the age of four, quickly mastering the piano before exploring guitar and drums. By the age of eight, she had already won multiple competitions, showcasing her exceptional musical talent. At eleven, she discovered fingerstyle guitar, embarking on a self-taught journey that marked the beginning of her fingerstyle career.

Josephine’s path in digital music has been extraordinarily successful. Her YouTube channel boasts 2 million subscribers, while her Instagram and TikTok accounts have amassed 500,000 and 1 million followers, respectively. She captivates audiences with fingerstyle covers and original compositions, demonstrating not only her musical prowess but also her exceptional skills in content creation. From recording and editing to mixing and mastering, she is fully involved in the production of her social media content. Additionally, she transcribes arrangements for guitar and piano into sheet music, inspiring music enthusiasts worldwide.

At the age of eighteen, Josephine held her first solo concert, showcasing her exceptional guitar and piano skills and her ability to connect with the audience through creative arrangements. This concert marked a significant milestone in her career. Since then, her musical journey has taken her to many prestigious venues, including the Merdeka Palace in Indonesia and the Virginia Sail Festival in 2022. Her music has also reached international stages, with her debut European tour, “Guitar Night,” in 2023 further solidifying her position in the global music scene.

Josephine is not only renowned for her covers but also excels in creating original music. Her first fingerstyle guitar single, False Alarm, and its piano rendition released a year later, fully demonstrate her artistic depth.