Luca Stricagnoli 卢卡·斯特里卡尼奥利 2025《震撼之声》指弹吉他音乐会
巡演主题的灵感来自 Luca Stricagnoli 2025年全新专辑**《High Voltage》,中文译为《高压电》。《High Voltage》**通常指高电压,广泛用于形容充满能量、力量强大的事物。在音乐的世界里,这个名字意味着一种强烈、激情四溢的风格,尤其适用于摇滚乐等充满活力的演出。
一个人 + 一把吉他 = 一个乐队
过亿流量 巡演遍布世界各地
突破传统 吉他演奏的视听盛宴
全新专辑 经典曲目一网打尽
敬请关注 震撼之音全球现场
【让我看看是谁在想念我的三头琴《Hysteria》致敬Muse乐队【Luca Stricagnoli】-哔哩哔哩】
【出发去异星,坐稳了!指弹吉他经典红辣椒《Snow(Hey Oh)》【Luca Stricagnoli】-哔哩哔哩】
【双吉他+口琴经典再现,这个杀手不太冷《Shape of My Heart》【Luca Stricagnoli】-哔哩哔哩】
【又见分脑绝技!吉他指弹致敬经典《Country Roads》【Luca Stricagnoli】-哔哩哔哩】
【是琴颈!不是滑动变阻器!指弹披头士名曲《While My Guitar Gently Weeps》【Luca Stricagnoli】-哔哩哔哩】
卢卡·斯特里卡尼奥利(Luca Stricagnoli)
他被世界各地的有影响力的杂志和报纸称为“奇迹”和“天才”,其中包括《NME》、《Guitar World》、《明镜周刊》、《La Repubblica》、《每日沙巴报》、《法兰克福汇报》等。
他的音乐使他有机会在超过20个国家演出,观众人数多达12,000人,甚至吸引了著名乐队如红辣椒乐队(Red Hot Chili Peppers)、金属乐队(Metallica)、缪斯乐队(Muse)和Walk Off The Earth的关注。
卢卡10岁开始了他的音乐生涯,学习古典吉他,随后进入意大利最负盛名的音乐学院(Conservatory)。他在古典吉他比赛中表现优异,曾在“Cittá di Lissone”比赛中获得第一名。当他发现指弹吉他(Fingerstyle Guitar)后,开始花费大量时间在YouTube上,通过观看视频学习各种技巧。他凭借原声吉他赢得了更多的比赛,比如在“第七届菲乌吉国际吉他节”(VII Festival Internazionale Della Chitarra di Fiuggi)上以100/100的成绩获得第一名,并在“Festival dei Talenti”上夺冠,同时还获得了为意大利传奇乐队New Trolls开场演出的机会。在此期间,卢卡结识了意大利制琴师Davide Serracini,两人自那时起便一直合作。
在接下来的几年里,卢卡开始创造他自己独特的风格,包括使用小提琴弓、同时使用多把吉他、改装变调夹和不寻常的调弦方式。他的突破来自于他的改编作品《最后的莫西干人》(The Last Of The Mohicans)被指弹音乐界最具影响力的唱片公司Candyrat Records签下,该作品迅速获得了数百万次的播放量。在这次成功之后,卢卡被邀请发布他的首张专辑。专辑中的主打单曲《Thunderstruck》的精彩演绎在几周内就获得了超过1400万次观看,使他受邀在全球各地演出。
卢卡开始了紧张的巡演活动,几年后发布了他的第二张专辑《What If?》,该专辑融入了许多他一直在研究的非传统创意,如反向三颈吉他。这件乐器是吉他史上首次出现反向琴颈的吉他,再次引发了病毒式的传播,使卢卡的职业生涯迅速飙升,他在为诺贝尔奖得主和顶级CEO的活动上演出,同时他的音乐也出现在无数的电视节目中。
卢卡开设了自己的YouTube频道,并迅速积累了数十万粉丝,赢得了YouTube的创作者奖。他同时与他的妻子、获奖歌手/词曲创作者Meg Pfeiffer合作,两人共同获得了欧洲作词奖,并在德国摇滚流行奖(German Rock & Pop Awards)中获得了10个奖项,随后展开了成功的巡演。
在他的第三张专辑《Change of Rules》中,卢卡首次展示了更多的发明,如“吉他戒指”(Guitar Ring)和“反向滑动琴颈”(Reversed Slide Neck),这一独特的可拆卸吉他琴颈在网上取得了巨大成功,甚至得到了全球最大科技媒体之一New Atlas的赞誉。
卢卡每年演出约100场,从偏远小镇的演出到特拉维夫诺基亚体育馆(Nokia Arena)的大型演出;从为一级方程式(Formula 1)、硬石酒店(Hard Rock Hotel)、印孚瑟斯(Infosys)和BNSF铁路公司等客户举办的私人活动,到在著名的音乐厅、剧院和表演艺术中心的售罄演出。他为大学举办过讲座,并在国家电视台和国际音乐节上演出,同时也是国际吉他比赛的评委。
在他的职业生涯中,他有幸与格莱美奖得主Jim “Kimo” West、拉丁格莱美奖得主Linda Briceño、格莱美提名艺术家Debashish Bhattacharya、德国评论奖得主Lulo Reinhardt、格莱美奖得主Cenk Erdogan以及许多其他才华横溢的艺术家同台演出。卢卡最近创办了自己的音乐公司,并且是国际吉他之夜的常驻主持人。
“令人震惊” –《Guitar World》
“最非凡的吉他手之一” –《每日沙巴报》
“独特风格” –《每日沙巴报》
“绝对最佳之一” –《NME》
“奇迹” –《温哥华太阳报》
“奇迹” –《La Repubblica》
“听起来像一支完整的乐队” –《明镜周刊》
“最好的原声吉他手之一” –《法兰克福汇报》
“创新” –《上海日报》
“疯狂的技术吉他魔术” –《Acoustic Magazine》(Music Radar)
“他对一系列非传统技术的掌握无与伦比” –《温哥华太阳报》
“具有非凡技艺的原声吉他奇才” –《Guitar Player》
5月23日(周五) – 天津演出
- 场地:二十年音乐现场
- 地址:天津市华苑开华道20号智慧山西塔东侧1F
- 时间:20:00
5月24日(周六) – 北京演出
- 场地:黄昏黎明DDC
- 地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层
- 时间:19:30
5月25日(周日) – 太原演出
- 场地:TheBoo(国金店)
- 地址:山西省太原市南中环国际金融中心
- 时间:19:30
5月27日(周二) – 银川演出
- 场地:慈厂CiChang
- 地址:银川市金凤区黄河东路678号
- 时间:20:00
5月28日(周三) – 兰州演出
- 场地:兰州285LiveHouses
- 地址:甘肃省兰州市城关区中山路1号佳润酒店1楼
- 时间:20:00
5月29日(周四) – 西安演出
- 场地:西演SPACE·光圈CLUB
- 地址:西安市新城区太华南路253号大华1928剧场壹
- 时间:20:00
5月30日(周五) – 成都演出
- 场地:LITTLES LIVE(小酒馆万象城店)
- 地址:成都市咸华区双庆路8号1栋1层1号成都万象城第B1层B120号
- 时间:20:00
5月31日(周六) – 重庆演出
- 地址:重庆市渝中区解放碑较场又得意潮馆 b1-21
- 时间:19:30
6月1日(周日) – 贵阳演出
- 场地:KaiLivehouse
- 地址:贵阳市白云区铝兴南路14号
- 时间:19:30
6月2日(周一) – 昆明演出
- 地址:昆明市西山区南亚风情第壹城NEW MALL3层
- 时间:19:30
6月5日(周四) – 南宁演出
- 场地:候朋现场HOPELIVE
- 地址:南宁市青秀区229号中山路万象汇L2层-37
- 时间:20:00
6月6日(周五) – 广州演出
- 场地:SDlivehouse
- 地址:广州市海珠区南洲路154号(侨建·HICITY)2F
- 时间:20:00
6月7日(周六) – 深圳演出
- 场地:HOU LIVE 下沙店
- 地址:深圳市福田区滨河大道9289号KK ONE购物中心负一层B112a
- 时间:19:30
6月8日(周日) – 香港演出
- 场地:理工大学蒋震剧院
- 时间:19:30
6月10日(周二) – 厦门演出
- 场地:RealLive And Books
- 地址:厦门市湖里区华昌路125号C106
- 时间:20:00
6月11日(周三) – 福州演出
- 场地:茉莉空间Moli Live
- 地址:福建省福州市仓山区福湾路海峡奥体中心网球中心W1-1馆
- 时间:20:00
6月13日(周五) – 南昌演出
- 地址:南昌市青山湖区上海路543号520Park文创公园21号01区域
- 时间:20:00
6月14日(周六) – 长沙演出
- 场地:MAO Livehouse长沙(沙湾店)
- 地址:湖南省长沙市雨花区劳动东路268号
- 时间:19:30
6月15日(周日) – 武汉演出
- 场地:不晚InTime 403店
- 地址:武汉市武昌区宝通寺路33号
- 时间:19:30
6月17日(周二) – 南京演出
- 场地:八度空间
- 地址:江苏省南京市建邺区雨润大街99号4号楼一楼南侧八度空间
- 时间:20:00
6月18日(周三) – 苏州演出
- 场地:Wave Livehouse(珍珠店)
- 地址:江苏省苏州工业园区观枫街1号苏州文化艺术中心大珍珠3号剧场
- 时间:20:00
6月20日(周五) – 上海演出
- 场地:THE BOXX城市乐园
- 地址:上海市闵行区虹许路731号-4号楼
- 时间:20:00
6月21日(周六) – 杭州演出
- 场地:中国数字音乐基地·九莱福音乐现场
- 地址:杭州市萧山区杭州国际博览中心A座6楼
- 时间:19:30
6月22日(周日) – 郑州演出
- 地址:河南省郑州市金水区文化路与金水路交汇处东北角(文化路2号)
- 时间:19:30
6月24日(周二) – 青岛演出
- 地址:山东省青岛市市南区湖北路17号(湖北路与中山路交汇处)
- 时间:20:00
6月25日(周三) – 济南演出
- 地址:济南市历下区泉城路277号
- 时间:20:00
6月28日(周六) – 沈阳演出
- 场地:美帝奇x1905Livehouse
- 地址:辽宁省沈阳市铁西区兴华北街8号
- 时间:19:30
6月29日(周日) – 大连演出
- 场地:赫兹空间(佳兆业店)
- 地址:大连市中山区天津街271号佳兆业广场B1层
- 时间:19:30
7月1日(周二) – 长春演出
- 地址:吉林省长春市南关区自由大路2829号南岭体育场内
- 时间:20:00
- 7月2日(周三) – 哈尔滨演出
- 场地:SUB LIVE·巨星馆
- 地址:哈尔滨市南岗区长江路157号与玉山路交叉口(近省图书馆)
- 时间:20:00
Luca Stricagnoli 2025 “High Voltage” China Tour
The theme of this tour is inspired by Luca Stricagnoli’s brand new 2025 album, High Voltage. The term “High Voltage” typically refers to high electrical voltage and is commonly used to describe something filled with energy and power. In the world of music, this name signifies an intense, passionate style, particularly suited for energetic performances like rock music.
This title symbolizes a powerful and passionate force that shakes the soul, perfectly encapsulating Luca’s unique musical style and live performance charisma.
One person + one guitar = a whole band
Luca creates a sound as if a full band is performing with just one guitar, breaking the limitations of traditional playing.
Over 200 Million Views, Touring Worldwide
Luca’s music videos have surpassed 200 million views, and his tours have taken him to corners of the world, delivering a stunning auditory and visual experience to his audience.
Breaking Tradition: A Visual and Auditory Feast of Guitar Performance
Luca boldly innovates, challenging various guitar techniques, showcasing a charm that goes beyond traditional playing styles.
New Album: A Complete Collection of Classic Tracks
On this tour, Luca will feature tracks from his new album while also performing classic hits, promising an unparalleled musical experience.
Stay Tuned for the Global Live Experience of High Voltage
In 2025, Luca will bring unforgettable fingerstyle guitar concerts with the theme High Voltage. Stay tuned!
Video Material
If Mozart Liked Plucking (Turkish March) – Bilibili
Let Me See Who’s Missing Me – Tribute to Muse’s “Hysteria” – Bilibili
Off to an Alien Planet, Hold On Tight! Fingerstyle Cover of Red Hot Chili Peppers’ “Snow (Hey Oh)” – Bilibili
Double Guitar + Harmonica Classic, This Killer Isn’t So Cold: “Shape of My Heart” – Bilibili
The Brain-Splitting Technique Again! Fingerstyle Tribute to the Classic “Country Roads” – Bilibili
It’s the Neck! Not a Potentiometer! Fingerstyle Beatles Hit “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” – Bilibili
Biography of Luca Stricagnoli:
Luca Stricagnoli’s music videos have accumulated over 200 million views online, and his performances span the globe. He is considered one of the most unique guitarists in the world. His creative style led him to invent instruments like the Reverse Triple-Neck Guitar and Reverse Slide Neck, greatly influencing the evolution of modern acoustic guitar.
He has been hailed as a “miracle” and “genius” by influential magazines and newspapers worldwide, including NME, Guitar World, Der Spiegel, La Repubblica, Sabah Daily, and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
His music has afforded him the opportunity to perform in over 20 countries, with audience sizes reaching up to 12,000 people, and has even attracted the attention of famous bands like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metallica, Muse, and Walk Off The Earth.
Luca began his musical journey at age 10, studying classical guitar, and later attended Italy’s most prestigious conservatories. He excelled in classical guitar competitions, winning first place at the “Cittá di Lissone” competition. Upon discovering fingerstyle guitar, he spent countless hours on YouTube learning new techniques. He soon won more competitions and earned the chance to open for Italy’s legendary band New Trolls. During this period, he met Italian luthier Davide Serracini, and they have collaborated ever since.
In the following years, Luca developed his distinctive style, incorporating violin bows, multiple guitars, altered capo systems, and unusual tunings. His breakthrough came when his cover of The Last of the Mohicans was signed by the influential Candyrat Records, quickly amassing millions of plays. This success led to invitations to release his first album. His cover of Thunderstruck earned over 14 million views in just a few weeks, opening the door to global performances.
Luca embarked on a hectic touring schedule, and a few years later released his second album What If?, which incorporated many of his unique creative innovations, such as the Reverse Triple-Neck Guitar. This guitar, the first of its kind in history, gained viral attention and further catapulted Luca’s career. He performed for prestigious clients like Nobel laureates and top CEOs and saw his music featured on numerous television programs.
Luca launched his YouTube channel and quickly accumulated hundreds of thousands of followers, winning the YouTube Creator Award. He also collaborated with his wife, award-winning singer-songwriter Meg Pfeiffer, and together they won the European Lyricist Award, as well as 10 awards at the German Rock & Pop Awards, followed by a successful tour.
On his third album Change of Rules, Luca showcased even more inventions, such as the “Guitar Ring” and the “Reverse Slide Neck.” This removable neck guitar became a massive online success, earning praise from major tech media outlets like New Atlas.
Luca performs about 100 shows annually, ranging from small town gigs to large performances at Tel Aviv’s Nokia Arena; from private events for clients such as Formula 1, Hard Rock Hotel, Infosys, and BNSF Railway, to sold-out performances in renowned concert halls, theaters, and performing arts centers. He has lectured at universities, performed on national television, at international music festivals, and served as a judge for global guitar competitions.
Throughout his career, Luca has had the honor of performing alongside Grammy Award-winner Jim “Kimo” West, Latin Grammy Award-winner Linda Briceño, Grammy-nominated artist Debashish Bhattacharya, German Critic’s Award winner Lulo Reinhardt, Grammy Award-winner Cenk Erdogan, and many other talented artists. Luca recently founded his own music company and serves as the resident host of International Guitar Night.
Praise for Luca Stricagnoli:
- “Stunning” – Guitar World
- “One of the most extraordinary guitarists” – Sabah Daily
- “Unique style” – Sabah Daily
- “Absolutely one of the best” – NME
- “A miracle” – Vancouver Sun
- “A miracle” – La Repubblica
- “Sounds like a full band” – Der Spiegel
- “One of the best acoustic guitarists” – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
- “Innovative” – Shanghai Daily
- “Crazy technical guitar wizardry” – Acoustic Magazine (Music Radar)
- “Unparalleled mastery of a range of non-traditional techniques” – Vancouver Sun
- “An acoustic guitar virtuoso with extraordinary skills” – Guitar Player
May 23 (Friday) – Tianjin Performance
Venue: Twenty Years Music Scene
Address: 1F, East Side of Wisdom Mountain West Tower, No. 20 Kaihua Road, Huayuan, Tianjin
Time: 20:00
May 24 (Saturday) – Beijing Performance
Venue: Dusk to Dawn DDC
Address: Basement Level 1, No. 39 Shenlu Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Time: 19:30
May 25 (Sunday) – Taiyuan Performance
Venue: TheBoo (Guojin Store)
Address: International Financial Center, South Zhonghuan Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi
Time: 19:30
May 27 (Tuesday) – Yinchuan Performance
Venue: CiChang
Address: No. 678, East Huanghe Road, Jinfeng District, Yinchuan
Time: 20:00
May 28 (Wednesday) – Lanzhou Performance
Venue: Lanzhou 285 Livehouses
Address: 1st Floor, Jiarun Hotel, No. 1 Zhongshan Road, Chengguan District, Lanzhou, Gansu
Time: 20:00
May 29 (Thursday) – Xi’an Performance
Venue: Xiyan SPACE·Light Circle CLUB
Address: No. 253 Taihua South Road, Xincheng District, Xi’an, Shaanxi, Dahua 1928 Theater
Time: 20:00
May 30 (Friday) – Chengdu Performance
Venue: LITTLES LIVE (Xiaojiu Guan Wanxiangcheng Store)
Address: B120, 1st Floor, B1, Wanxiangcheng, No. 8 Shuangqing Road, Xianhua District, Chengdu
Time: 20:00
May 31 (Saturday) – Chongqing Performance
Address: B1-21, Jiaochaoyoudeyi Trendy Club, Jiefangbei, Yuzhong District, Chongqing
Time: 19:30
June 1 (Sunday) – Guiyang Performance
Venue: Kai Livehouse
Address: No. 14, Lvxing South Road, Baiyun District, Guiyang
Time: 19:30
June 2 (Monday) – Kunming Performance
Venue: Modern Sky Lab Kunming
Address: 3rd Floor, South Asia Style First City NEW MALL, Xishan District, Kunming
Time: 19:30
June 5 (Thursday) – Nanning Performance
Venue: HopeLive
Address: No. 229, Zhongshan Road, Qingxiu District, Nanning, 2nd Floor, Wanxianghui Mall, L2-37
Time: 20:00
June 6 (Friday) – Guangzhou Performance
Venue: SD Livehouse
Address: 2nd Floor, HICITY, No. 154 Nanzhou Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou
Time: 20:00
June 7 (Saturday) – Shenzhen Performance
Venue: HOU LIVE, Xiasha Store
Address: B112a, KK ONE Shopping Mall, No. 9289 Binhai Avenue, Futian District, Shenzhen
Time: 19:30
June 8 (Sunday) – Hong Kong Performance
Venue: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Chiang Chan Theater
Time: 19:30
June 10 (Tuesday) – Xiamen Performance
Venue: RealLive And Books
Address: C106, No. 125 Huachang Road, Huli District, Xiamen
Time: 20:00
June 11 (Wednesday) – Fuzhou Performance
Venue: Moli Live, Moli Space
Address: W1-1, Tennis Center, Haixia Sports Center, Fuwan Road, Cangshan District, Fuzhou
Time: 20:00
June 13 (Friday) – Nanchang Performance
Venue: VAS Nanchang
Address: No. 543 Shanghai Road, Qingshan Lake District, Nanchang, 520 Park Creative Park, Zone 21-01
Time: 20:00
June 14 (Saturday) – Changsha Performance
Venue: MAO Livehouse Changsha (Shawan Store)
Address: No. 268, Laodong East Road, Yuhua District, Changsha
Time: 19:30
June 15 (Sunday) – Wuhan Performance
Venue: InTime 403 Store
Address: No. 33 Baotong Temple Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan
Time: 19:30
June 17 (Tuesday) – Nanjing Performance
Venue: Badu Space
Address: No. 99 Yurun Street, Jianye District, Nanjing, 4th Building, 1st Floor, South Side
Time: 20:00
June 18 (Wednesday) – Suzhou Performance
Venue: Wave Livehouse (Pearl Store)
Address: No. 1 Guanfeng Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou Cultural and Art Center, Big Pearl Theater, 3rd Floor
Time: 20:00
June 20 (Friday) – Shanghai Performance
Venue: THE BOXX City Park
Address: No. 731 Hongxu Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, Building 4
Time: 20:00
June 21 (Saturday) – Hangzhou Performance
Venue: China Digital Music Base, Jiulai Music Scene
Address: 6th Floor, A Block, Hangzhou International Expo Center, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou
Time: 19:30
June 22 (Sunday) – Zhengzhou Performance
Address: Northeast Corner of the Intersection of Wenhua Road and Jinshui Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou
Time: 19:30
June 24 (Tuesday) – Qingdao Performance
Venue: Tempo LIVEHOUSE
Address: No. 17, Hubei Road, Shinan District, Qingdao (Intersection of Hubei Road and Zhongshan Road)
Time: 20:00
June 25 (Wednesday) – Jinan Performance
Venue: Modern Sky Lab Jinan
Address: No. 277 Quancheng Road, Lixia District, Jinan
Time: 20:00
June 28 (Saturday) – Shenyang Performance
Venue: Meidiqi x 1905 Livehouse
Address: No. 8 Xinghua North Street, Tiexi District, Shenyang
Time: 19:30
June 29 (Sunday) – Dalian Performance
Venue: Hertz Space (Jiaozhaoye Store)
Address: B1, Jiaozhaoye Square, No. 271 Tianjin Street, Zhongshan District, Dalian
Time: 19:30
July 1 (Tuesday) – Changchun Performance
Venue: Yinlang LIVEHOUSE
Address: No. 2829 Ziyou Dalu, Nanguan District, Changchun, Southling Sports Park
Time: 20:00
July 2 (Wednesday) – Harbin Performance
Venue: SUB LIVE·Superstar Hall
Address: No. 157 Changjiang Road, Nangang District, Harbin, Intersection of Yushan Road (Near Provincial Library)
Time: 20:00